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HomeCode of Ethics


Code of Ethics and Professional Standards

This Code of Ethics and Professional Standards is an appendix to the Bylaws of the San Francisco Tour Guide Guild, and sets forth the minimum standards of professional conduct required of Certified and Associate Tour Guides. It is subject to revision through the same procedures by which the By-Laws may be revised.

The Tour Guide/Trip Director will strive to familiarize him/herself with the assigned tour or program. Furthermore, the Tour Guide/Trip Director will be expected to possess an accurate knowledge to enhance the experience of the tour or program. Misleading or fabricated information shall not be presented.

The Tour Guide/Trip Director will at all times remain calm and courteous before the client, will strive to establish a friendly rapport with all clients, and seek to be of assistance to each client who may encounter problems on the tour or program. The Tour Guide/Trip Director will keep in mind constantly that the satisfaction of the client is the prime ingredient of a successful, professionally conducted tour or program.

The Tour Guide will keep accurate records and render faithful service to the Tour Operator or Destination Management Company, upholding the instruction and best interest of the Company in all of his/her actions while on the tour or program.

The Tour Guide/Trip Director will strive to establish and maintain a good working relationship with all the service providers on the tour or program and act in a manner which will be a credit to the Tour Operator or Destination Management Company.

The Tour Guide/Trip Director shall abide by a dress code, if requested by the Tour Operator or Destination Management Company. He/She shall otherwise adhere to a professional standard of personal hygiene and grooming which is neat and clean and not offensive to the client. The Tour Guide/Trip Director shall use discretion in the conduct of his/her personal affairs while on tour or on a program.

The Tour Guide/Trip Director shall abide by all local, county, state and federal laws pertaining to employment by the Tour Operators or Destination Management Companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.